Scholarships at Lakehead University

ロケーション Thunder Bay
創立 1965
有名な専攻分野 卒業生の就職
International Graduate Scholarships
Scholarship Name International Graduate Scholarships
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount Up to $11,457
Nationality Any

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistant appointments may be offered to some full-time graduate students (including Visa students) at a rate of $10,506.69 (2022-23) at the Master's level; and $11,457.79 (2022-23) at the Doctoral level. A regular appointment constitutes a maximum of 270 hrs of work over the Fall and Winter terms, averaging not more than 10 hours of work per week. Representative duties, include but are not limited to: preparing classes, teaching, demonstrating, leading seminars, supervising laboratories, marking, consulting with students, holding assigned office hours, setting tests, examination and lab sets, conducting field trips, and providing other academic support assistance. A graduate student is eligible to hold a maximum of two full-time appointments at the Master's level or four full-time appointments at the Doctoral level.



SI-Canadaはお客様の学歴を確認し、キャリアの目標について話し合い、出願のサポートを行うことで、お客様にとって最適なカナダの大学を選定することを専門としています。 私たちの出願サービスは、カナダで勉強するという皆様の夢を叶えるためのお手伝いをいたします。


Amanpreet KaurInternational Business Management (May 2024 intake)
